Thursday, May 26, 2016


Starcraft 2 – Hrt of the Swarm – & er


Hrt of the Swarm starts at a resrch facility run by Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk, who is performing tests on Sarah Kerrigan to determine how much of her skill at controlling Zerg remains from her time as the Queen of Blades. Jim Raynor is desperate to get Kerrigan away, and shortly after the last round of tests, the facility is attacked by Dominion forces. Valerian and Kerrigan escape to Raynor’s flagship, the Hyperion, but Raynor himself is left behind. Dominion reinforcements press the attack, despite Valerian’s presence onboard the Hyperion; Valerian recognizes that his father, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk, will sacrifice anything – even his own son – to ensure Kerrigan’s dth. While Hyperion captain Matt Horner gives the order to retrt, Kerrigan remains behind in an attempt to loe Raynor, only to hr a Dominion newscast announcing that he has been
How to download ? Click !
Ftures/Instruction: :

Download Starcraft 2 – Hrt of the Swarm using download button below.
Extract all the files into the game installation directory.
Open up the file and select loion of game installation directory.
Click on “ Now” and wait for the process to be done.
Enjoy playing game with access in full.

Minimum Requirements XP 32 Bit
DirectX 9 – GeForce 7600/Radeon X800SE
Dual core CPU
1.5 GB of RAM
20 GB free hard drive spaceRecommended RequirementsWin 7 32 Bit
DirectX 11 – GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB
Radeon HD 4850 – AMD GPU
Dual Core CPU
2 GB of RAM
20 GB free hard drive space

Long waited by many of our users and visitors, Starcraft 2 – Hrt of the Swarm is the most demand of the current time. It was rlly hard to brch the security of game but finally our hard working developing tm somehow manage to the game and made a perfectly working er for this. No more or other typical which takes too much time to understand. We are starting to made with the help of ers.You can now access all the ftures of Starcraft 2 – Hrt of the Swarm without paying any rl money. This will help you to play Starcraft 2 – Hrt of the Swarm for free and you can even share this with your friends and family members. We have designed this tool for PC users and it will come with full tutorial on how to use it in the correct way.


How to download ? Click !By Planets 2012-2014

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SimCity 5 & er


SimCity is a city-building and urban planning simulation game developed by Maxis, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Relsed for in rly March 2013,it is the first major installment in the SimCity series since the relse of SimCity 4 a decade prior. An OS X version is scheduled for relse on June 11, 2013.

How to download ? Click !Ftures/Instruction: :

Download SimCity 5 & Tool from the bottom of this page.
Extract all the files into the game installation directory.
Now open up the file and select click on “Browse” button.
Loe the game installation directory to it and click on “” button.
You can enjoy playing game in full now.

We know we are quite late on making SimCity 5 but our hard working developing tm was working on making an offline setup so that all of our visitors and members can enjoy full access to this game. Now none of you will have to pay any rl money for playing SimCity 5 on your computer. You don’t need any SimCity 5 tool to play SimCity 5 as using this tool, you can sily get full access to the game.Many of our users were requesting us for the of SimCity 5 and we finally made a perfectly working tool for them. Previously we had launched this tool for members only but huge demand forced us to give it away to all of our visitors. You can download this SimCity 5 tool from the bottom of this page. This new game are having all the HD graphics included with it and allot more new ftures for structures and buildings. You can now enjoy your whole gaming experience in SimCity 5 without paying any charges.


How to download ? Click !By Planets 2012-2014

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Stormfall – Age of War Gold Iron Tool


Finally after long time, our developers completed newly developed for Stormfall – Age of War. Many of our visitors were contacting us about the requirements of resources in this game and that made us to complete the needs of our users. Now their is no need to buy resources from game developers using your rl money that you rn after allot of hard work. Its rlly sy to erate unlimited amount of gold points, iron points using our Stormfall – Age of War .Even if we talk about the security issues of your Facebook account, you never need to worry about that until and unless you have the updated version of our tools. We mostly use an automatic update fture to secure the accounts and always take it on priority basis. You can even add as much as wood and sapphire points in your account just according to your need. This tool automatically detects your browser when you open it and work accordingly, though its even undetectable by game developers yet.
How to download ? Click !Ftures/Instruction: :

Iron Points Adder
Wood Points
Support All Browsers
Detect Browsers Automatically

After downloading the tool from bottom of this page, plse make sure you are connected to Facebook and as well as the game when you start the tool. Also make sure that no other browser is being open at the same time except the one in which you are playing the game. It will automatically detect your browser function accordingly and after you open it up, a new window will come up on your screen as you can see in the given above. Fill up the columns of gold, iron, wood and sapphire according to your requirements and finally click on “Apply ” button. It will even ask you to confirm your browser that you are using when you click on “Apply ” button & you just need to reconfirm it, this will start the process of Stormfall which takes around 1-2 minutes to get completed.


How to download ? Click !By Planets 2012-2014

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We are not responsible for incorrect or an error in the archive.



After making this new platform for our tools its quite sy for most of our users to use them. After you download it from the bottom of this page you just need to go to the directory where you have downloaded Wartune and open up the file. It will first try to connect to our servers and make sure you are connected to your account and internet on any of the browser. Now after it gets connected to your nrest server just fill up the columns of credits, clone bird and thermal detonator according to your need and select server in which you play. After that you just need to click on “Apply ” button and this will start the process of our Wartune .It usually takes around 1-2 minutes to get complete and after the completion just go to your browser and refresh your game page and now you will be able to see the resources are now being added into your account. You can now sily use them and stay ahd from all of your competitors and friends in the game. You can download Wartune below.
How to download ? Click !Ftures/Instruction: :

Credits Adder
Clone Bird
Thermal Detonator Adder
All Servers Supported
Proxy Support

After long time of issues with the updates of our previous we are finally able to the security of Wartune. Our developing tm finally come up with a perfect working Wartune . It can add unlimited amount of credits, clone birds and thermal detonator in your account within few minute after you download it from the bottom of this page. It even supports ch and every server of this game and supports all the servers of the game as you can see in the given above. Some new updates like proxies and other settings can be sily done from the menus given with it.You don’t even have to worry about your account security as we always take it as our first priority. We can guarantee you that this Wartune is 100% Undetected and safe to use. An automatic update fture is always their to help your account stability and whenever you start Wartune it will checks for any updates directly from our servers and download it. Soon we will be updating this post with a tutorial which will help you to lrn how to use it in the more sy way.


How to download ? Click !By Planets 2012-2014

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Bubble Age


This game was not at all in demand by our users but as we always want to take care of all of our users, even after receiving few amounts of requests, we developed this Bubble Age that can help you to enjoy the game at better level. You can now erate unlimited amount of coins and cash in your account and even have as much as lives you want to play the game. Enhancing your skills, this Bubble Age Tool gives you proper time to lrn the game having unlimited lives and even helps you to stay ahd from all of your friends in game.When we talk about security of our account, that is always our first priority while developing our tools. We can assure you that this Bubble Age is totally undetected and I personally used this for a week of time on my trial Facebook account to test it for final launch on or site. I erated many of the coins and cash in my account which are still available for use even though I didn’t logged in from past few days. Believe me guys, It was so sy to use this tool and I was enjoying the game at top level while having unlimited resources with me.

How to download ? Click !Ftures/Instruction: :

Unlimited Coins Adder
Refill Boosters
Supports all major web browsers


How to download ? Click !By Planets 2012-2014

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We are not responsible for incorrect or an error in the archive.



We know its out of our stm but many of our users were asking us for a working tool for , but our tm was so confused about the decision of developing such or which are not related to our niche. But finally after long time of discussion, we have now decided to expand and as it will also fulfill the needs of our users who want to develop their demands, we started working on this tool and finally made it. If you don’t want to pay loads of money for buying up of this software, you are at right place.It can erate you unlimited for activating your CS5 or even CS6. It totally depends on your system configuration that what particular software it should support and runs smoothly. We will be giving you a full instructional guide on how to CS6 and even CS5. You just need to download this tool from the bottom of this page and then you will be sily erating maximum for of this software. You can even distribute these amongst your friends and other family members. Just always keep in mind that at the time of installing software, switch off your internet connection and then use this .Ftures/Instruction: :

Download Multi CS5 – CS6 using the download button given below.
Extract all the files into one directory.
Install the software and follow the steps given in the instructional text file.
Now open up the tool and click on “erate” button.
Now open up the tool and click on “erate” button.


How to download ? Click !By Planets 2012-2014

Incorrect ? Download the file again!

We are not responsible for incorrect or an error in the archive.