How to install cookies in Chrome, Firefox browser: Editing CookiesIn my new article Zbigz premium account cookies, it was necessary to install cookies in Chrome or Firefox browser in-order for the trick to work. I received a lot of requests from rders to post an article on editing cookies. So, today I am going to cover how to install cookies in Chrome and Firefox browser in the siest possible way. Want to know more? Proceed to next section.How to install cookies in browser:I will cover method for editing cookies using Chrome as well as Firefox. Also, I am demonstrating how to install Zbigz cookies in your browser. If you are inserting any other website cookie, make sure you know the right cookie name.
A. Firefox:
1. Install Cookies Manager+ addon in your Firefox. Restart the browser.2. Copy your cookie.3. Go to Tools -> Cookie Manager+ to see:
4. Srch for zbigz. Now, select the cookie named “PSESSID” and hit on Edit.
5. In textbox next to content, enter your cookie which you copied in Step 2 and hit on Save.Done! Now, go to and you will find Premium turned ON! Cheers.
B. Google Chrome:
1. Install Edit This Cookie extension in your Chrome.2. Copy your cookie.3. Go to Now, click on Edit This Cookie icon present nr your address bar(in the Extensionsbar). Now, click on “PSESSID |”.
4. In the Value field, enter the cookie you copied in Step 2 and hit on “Submit Cookie Changes” at the bottom.That’s it! You are successful in editing cookies in Chrome and Zbigz will show Premium turned ON.I hope now you can edit cookies in Chrome and Firefox.
This was a short tutorial on how to install cookies in Chrome and Firefox. If you have any problem while editing cookies using this tutorial, plse let us know in comments.
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