Thursday, May 26, 2016

how to upgrade /mp4 player firmware

Lrn how to repair dd /MP4 players .How can upgrade and update ,MP4 players firmware .Download player firmware upgrade tool and MP4 player firmware update utility .How to Upgrade ,mp4 player firmware
Hello my friends , today i will be out of our site main subject "Flash Drive Repair " and i will explain to you how can repair dd players and mp4 players and how can upgrade firmware if we have problems with player so go and make a cup of t because it is very big article like a player repair guide . When we can upgrade /Mp4 player firmware ?The only case to upgrade your Player firmware is if you have problems with your /MP4 system .Also you can update /mp4 player firmware for higher firmware but i don't recommend it .Now we will discuss how can update /mp4 player firmware ,you will need the following : player upgrade tool , we will use " Player utilities V 5.09 " . May be you will need directX 9 and Media Player 10 at lst .
Download Player utilities V 5.09
How can Update player Firmware ?
Now we will start to upgrade player firmware by using Player utilities V 5.09 . Player utilities V 5.09 allows to upgrade ,mp4 player firmware . player utility also provide you by a converter so If you have an /MP4 player that supports .AMV playback, then you will need a converter tool "AMV Convert Tool " to convert your s to a .AMV file so it will be playable on your player.
To upgrade player firmware plse follow the next tips :Download Player utilities V 5.09 from the previous download link , then set up the program .Connect your /mp4 player to your computer using USB cable and be sure that detect your player .If doesn't detect your player , you can't upgrade player firmware .Open Player utilities V 5.09 and choose player upgrade tool then follow the next tips Open Player Upgrade Tool from Start Menu and Programs List .Click Select New Firmware File , it will open a window and you can choose the firmware file loed in your computer by this format " .bin or .fw " .After you choose your player firmware click on Begin Upgrading .Now The software upgrading your player firmware , just wait until finish and you must not remove your player from computer while updating because it will harm your player .Plse Note that : You should take backup of the existing firmware of your player before updating with the new firmware .Wrong Firmware mns Dd Player and your player will not open again so you should find the correct firmware for your /MP4 player .You must wait until finishing the update process .It will take some time so you should be patient .
Now Upgrade firmware is success . How can i get the correct firmware for my /MP4 player ? Those firm are to be used ONLY for developers and people wishing to recover their dd players. You have a 99% of chance to kill you player if you flash it without checking the Board ID .To lrn how to determine your player firmware from Board ID , plse rd this article from here " how to find your correct player firmware " .
To repair dd player , plse rd this Dd Player Recovery Guide from this good site "Dd Player Recovery Guide " .

To download Firm for standard s1 player , plse visit this link " standard firmware s1 player" .
To download Firm for Mp4 s1 player plse visit this link "Firm for MP4 s1 player "

To extract the exiting /mp4 player firmware , plse use this useful tools " S1 tools " .

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