Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Buru XCOM Declassified -RELOADED

The Buru XCOM Declassified -RELOADED
Third-person tactical shooter with RPG elements, which is a completely new take on the iconic series of turn-based strategy studies Microprose. The studio is responsible for the production of 2K Marin. Action The Buru: XCOM Declassified is set in the 60s Twentieth century, when the hottest moments of the Cold War, the matter is further complied by an invasion from outer space.
Ftures:The Buru XCOM Declassified -RELOADEDThe Buru XCOM Declassified The Buru XCOM Declassified The Buru XCOM Declassified The Buru XCOM Declassified

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