Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Full Version Game PS3 Free Download 12 Gb

DownloadTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Free For PC


Splinter Cell Blacklist is an action-adventure stlth game by Ubisoft. Game is the sequel to its predecessors(Splinter Cell Conviction) and the sixth installment in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell game series. Game ftures a third person perspective where player takes control of the protagonist "Sam Fisher". Game starts as sam and his old friend victor who are about to depart from air force base in Guam, where unknown enemies attack the base and in result cause destruction. sam, vic and another charlie ultimately survive the attack but vic gets injured while preventing sam to get injured from a grenade. After the attack, a group of terrorists calling themselves "The Engineers" accept the blame of the attack and tells the world that this is one of many attacks that they have planned. They put this condition that they will only stop their attacks only if United States call back all the troops and forces deployed all around the world. In response president of United States shuts down the corrupt third echelon and form a new echelon including fisher in it with some other experience counter terrorists and rs. The first task assigned sam and his tm is to extract Kobin from CIA safehouse in Libya and obtain useful operations about the plan of the engineers. New wpons and ammunition has been added to the game including some sophistied technology including thermal cameras, enhanced night visions, super sniping equipments and much more. Game also ftures a multiplayer mode in which the "Spies Vs Mercs" mode is back with new ftures. Two tms the spies and the mercs, ch tm having 6+ players could play the game at the same time from any corner of the world. A new and fully enhanced co-op mode has been added to the game with which two or more players could play the game at the same time, playing in new cooperative missions. ch player has to work for his tm differently and perform the job assigned to that player. Graphics and visuals has been set to the ultra level which makes the game more rl than any other games of the same series. Sound effects has been more effectively enhanced with which player could make such sounds which could alert or distract the enemies.

:System Requirements:(Minimum)

CPU --- Core 2 Duo 2.53 Ghz or Better
RAM --- 2 Gb RAM
Graphics Memory --- 512 Mb Graphics Accelerator
OS --- Xp SP3 or Better
DDx --- Direct X 9.0
Hard --- 25 Gb Required
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The following download link is a file, you may need u to download the game.(Link Below)
The Following Game is in PS3 Format,You Need PS3 Emulator to Play the Game.(Given Below)
If you have any complaints or if the link is down or you need help plse inform us by posting a Comment, we will be there for your help, Thanks.


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