Thursday, May 26, 2016

Vodafone 3G VPNBOOK+ NMD VPN Trick for PC(August2013)

Vodafone 3G VPNBOOK+ NMD VPN Trick for PC(August2013)
Here is a good news for all vodafone lovers , as we know that vodafone provides free Twitter for 3 months for mobiles , so we think that if we use twitter for free then why can't any sites , so we twked VpNBooK Config with twitter and beleive me guys it all for free.As we know that Vodafone is very strict to their security and we hardly develops any tricks but this time ,its party time for all vodafone lovers.

Ftures of VodaFone 3G VPNBOOK Trick
* Works with VPNBOOK config with NMD VPN.* HTTP and HTTPS Protocol Supported.* NO Ads while using this VPN.* Parallel Download Supported via IDM.* z Supported via boxopus.* Can be Strm YouTube s.* No Disconnection ISSue.

Reqirements of VodaFone 3G VPNBOOK Trick
You need to first download NMD VPN and Vodafone VPnBook Config File(August 2013)
* DownloadNMD VPN* Download Vodafone VPnBook Config File(August 2013)

* After installing NMD VPN , extract Vodafone Config File and paste it in C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config* Now Connect with the given config connection will be established instantly n enjoy....

Note : 7 and 8 users must run NMD VPN GUI as Administrator to avoid any errors.

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