Penetration (Pen) testing and security auditing are now part of every system administrator's "other duties as assigned." BackTrack Linux ( is a custom distribution designed for security testing for all skill levels from novice to expert. It is the largest collection of wireless , server ing, web appliion assessing, social-engineering tools available in a single Linux distribution.
BackTrack Linux is a fine example of a specialized Linux distribution. Its only purpose is to test your network, devices, and systems for security vulnerabilities. BackTrack is packed with every security and tool used by security professionals and professional s. If you're looking for all of the tools in one place, this is it.
You must love the command line to use this distro, although it does contain a few graphical tools, such aszenmapandwireshark. Even in graphical mode (which comes up with the Gnome desktop), most of the appliions open in a terminal window. Fortunately, ch command line appliion opens and displays the help text so you can refer to the command reference right there on the screen.
BackTrack is a highly customized, Debian-based Linux distribution that you should only update through BackTrack's own repositories ( Do You Get For Nothing?BackTrack Linux contains more than 300 security tools and utilities that are all open source. Many security professionals prefer them over expensive commercial programs. And, s certainly prefer hundreds of no cost, high-end appliions to anything commercial. One rson for BackTrack's popularity is its anonymity. You don't have to register ( is optional). No names, bank accounts, or user accounts are associated with obtaining the ISO . Additionally, no spyware will report back to any vendor.
In short, BackTrack's tagline says it all: "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hr."
The distro is a bootable, live that's approximately 2GB in size. If you decide to install it to a hard or USB drive, the installation expands to almost 7GB. BackTrack is perfectly suited to installation to a USB drive, so that it's portable and stlthier than a hard install. A 16GB USB drive holds the installation with plenty of room for saving files and data.
Remember that you'll need to save your data from your information gathering exercises so that you can write security audit reports for your clients. The Live is powerful but considerably slower than a hard or USB . If you use the , use a USB drive or mountable hard partition to save the information you gather.What's Included in the DistroThe BackTrack Distribution includes the following major tool egories:Information GatheringVulnerability Assessmentation ToolsPrivilege EscalationMaintaining AccessReverse EngineeringRFID ToolsStress TestingForensicsReporting ToolsServicesMiscellaneousUnder ch of the main hdings, you'll find subhdings. For example, under the first selection,Information Gathering, you have Network Analysis, Web Appliion Analysis, Database Analysis, and Wireless Analysis. Under ch of those subhdings, you have multiple types of analyses. TheNetwork Analysissubhding contains an extensive list of network analysis types from DNS Analysis to VPN Analysis, as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: BackTrack->Information Gathering->Network Analysis.At the final level, you'll find multiple choices for ch type of analysis. For example, underNetwork Scanners, you have a list of 11 different network scanning tools from which to choose. See Figure 2.
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