Thursday, May 26, 2016

Best Way To Accelerate Your rnings With Adsence

1. Advertise yourself- people are looking for help on several ars of difficulty. You alrdy have a niche where you can provide solution to people’s problems. Why not take it further by advertising yourself on sites where people meet to look for help? Some of the sites where you tell people what you can do and get hired in fiverr, tenbux, tenrr dollar3, zeerk, etc. You can leverage on the site’s traffic and popularity and make your money to fund your blog and take care of other expenses.

2. Resell-Go and join established sites with recurrent service charges and become a reseller there. You can join sites like,,, etc. and begin to sell hosting packages to the numerous visitors to your blog.

3. Write for money-the concept of your blog may not allow you to directly write for money. But as you see you blog grow, you need to join sites that allow you to do reviews and be paid for doing so. Some of them include:,,,,, etc

4. Expand your scope- Add other ars of interest to your blog. You can add solution providing segment to it. Instd of looking for who to pay you, why not be a little more crtive. Crte a part where people can come and advertise what they can do for money and take 5 to 10% of their charges. Pooling the small charges together would certainly make you richer. You provide the platform, others come to make money with your platform and the consumers get their satisfaction. A kind of win win situation for everyone.

5. Sell ad space-you can also money some revenue by providing a space for advertisers to place their ads. You either get involved in direct ad use advertising networks like Google adsense, Chitika, Kontera, Exitjunction, dynamic oxy, etc.

6. Afiiliate programmes- Crte a page for your affiliate programmes and write a special presell on them. When your rders buy the products through your link you receive some percentage payment on the profit made. With few affiliate programmes you can get rsonable income right there on your blog.
Applying the right strategy and crtive thinking can help get you out of the poverty zone as a blogger. When you use your quality content and professional looking blog to attract rders, you use your business management acumen to make income out of the high traffic you get.Do you know of other good strategies to use to erate revenue with your blog? Share them with us; we would be glad to hr from you.

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