Thursday, May 26, 2016

Rope Escape iPhone/iPad

Rope Escape iPhone/iPad
Addictive high thrills escape game in the midst of the jungle! apult yourself deep into the hrt of the jungle and use your rope to swing through the trees high into the sky. Escape the chasing savages by swinging not only from the trees but from rocks originally intended for you; swing high enough and use the zeppelins to swing even higher for the best in-game rewards and power-ups! Feel the exhilaration of “Rope Escape” as you swing higher and faster in srch of ever-grter rewards and the global high score.
Technical Specifiions:Auto connect to account, you don’t have to provide any email address for it to work.Proxies are harvested and provided by the tool almost instantly to keep you and pre-configured built-in script for the tool.

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