Short introduction:This little program will help you get hdshots. All it does is take a lot of screenshots of the game, a little analysis, then moves the mouse for you in MW3 or w/e game your playing. This aimbot is superior to other aimbots out there since it does a bit block transfer directly to an array, then the array is split into colors using minimal cpu usage. All other aimbots that I've encountered use getpixel which is about 200 times slower.
Relse date:January 10, 2012 (2.4 /w MW3 text)
VAC status:VAC proof forever. It doesn't modify the game in any way. All it does is take screenshots of the game and move your mouse.
Requirements:There are 3 requirements that should be met.
1. You will need colored skin player models which a material/texture wall has, the models can be any color.
2. .NET framework 4.0 is required. You should have it alrdy through update.
Solution to problems:
The aimbot is not targeting dark colors
The fix for now is to manually widen the red/blue/green color ranges to target.
The aimbot is shaking too much
Lower the aimbot sensitivity and disable any mouse acceleration
Type cl_showfps 2 in console and change graphic settings to incrse FPS to over 60
Try using the default aimbot settings instd of playing with the s
Disable V-SYNC
The Aimbot does nothing at all
Make sure raw mouse input in is disabled
You need a colored player model to target, look at the picture below to see what I mn
Run the game in windowed mode
Run the game in windowed mode
Run the game in windowed mode
Try turning DWM off/on in the settings tab
The aimbot keeps aiming upward
Your crosshair is the same color as what you are trying to target, why don't you set the crosshair to another color?
The aimbot aims too slowly
Incrse the aimbot sensitivity
What settings should I use with the default aimbot settings
mouse sensitivity should be on the 6th notch, enhanced precision disabled, and mouse acceleration disabled.
What settings you should look out for:
Disable vertical sync
not doing so will cause the aimbot to aim very badly.
Disable anti-aliasing
Aimbot won't work with it enabled in fullscreen mode.
Disable RAW mouse imput
Aimbot won't work with it enabled.
Disable motion blur
Causes smring which could throw the aimbot off.
Disable HDR
Can cause more smring with transparent textures.
Very transparent wall
Very transparent wall can cause severe color smring in certain ars of maps.
Anything less than 65 FPS (or monitor HZ)
will cause the aimbot to wobble and shake regardless of sensitivity. The aimbot works well with 100-200 FPS.
No css mouse acceleration
CSS mouse acceleration isn't for noobs, but setting this to a small amount could help track strafing enemies.
enhanced pointer precision
Not good with low FPS
Mouse filter
Probably should be disabled since it will average mouse movements making tracking strafing enemies more difficult
Windowed mode
If the aimbot doesn't work after changing the screenshot method, run the game in windowed mode.
UA aimbot sensitivity
You will definitely need to adjust this and find the correct sensitivity. The correct sensitivity also changes for different screen resolutions. Later vers I plan on having the aimbot find the correct setting. Keep raising the sensitivity if the aimbot is failing to track far enemies strafing and lower if the aimbot is shaking too much.
Amount to shift down/Amount to shift right
These can be set to negative values. The amount to shift down should be set more when sniping since enemies are enlarged.
Multi-core rendering
Enable this, it will incrse your FPS if you got a multi-core cpu.
MW3 will probably need to be ran in windowed mode for this aimbot to work!For other fullscreen games, change the screenshot method from GetForegroundWindow to GetActiveWindow. When in windowed mode, you no longer need to move MW3/CS:S to the middle of the monitor, the aimbot will aim in the center of the game regardless of where MW3 is on your monitor.
MW3 will probably need to be ran in windowed mode for this aimbot to work! You also need chams/textures to target.
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