Devil May Cry 4 Highlycompressed Repacked 2GB Pevil May Cry 4 Highlycompressed Repacked BY shafinfarhank.blogspot.comis anaction-adventure and slash gamethat was published anddevelopedbyCapcomin 2008 for thePlayStation 3,Xbox 360andplatforms. The game is the fourth installment to theDevil May Cryseries. It later on erated a handheld version relsed oniOS, titledDevil May Cry 4: Refrain. Unlike the previous title,Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, this game is a sequel to the originalDevil May Cryfrom 2001.
The story followsNero, a teenager posssessing demonic powers who is on a mission to stop the series' main character,Dante, after he assassinates demons from the The Order of the Sword including its lder. During the game, the player controls both Nero and Dante as they fight enemies in close combat using firrms, swords, and other wpons. As the firstDevil May Cryrelsed for multiple consoles at the same time, during its development Capcom was focused in all versions having the same visual quality.
Critical reception toDevil May Cry 4has been positive with praise aimed towards its challenging difficulty and the characters' special moves. However, it has been criticized for its backtracking and a troublesome camera. The game has sold 2.7 million units worldwide, becoming the series' best-selling title. It has also been adapted into a two-volumelight novelby its original writer, Bingo Morihashi.
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