Thursday, May 26, 2016

Download Prolific PL 2515 EzRecover V2003

Repair usb flash drive that have Prolific PL2515 chip vendor .Prolific PL2515 EzRecover V2003 can fix any prolific chip vendor flash drive .Try it now .
Prolific PL2515 EzRecover V2003

EzRecover is the supplemental tool to restore Prolific USB flash to the factory default configuration. factory configuration data might have been damaged due to the rson we haven't perceived, which resulted .PHY BLK 0 failure* - device is in the "security on" mode, that is "security device driver" needed while attach to system.Boot sector damaged - device is in the "storage device" but the cannot be accessed successfully including format/rd/write operations.PHY BLK 0 failure is one of the phenomenon observed while security device occurs.
1. EzRecover is the redistributable tool
intending to reduce the loading of customer service, especially the RMA loading.a restrictive, and passive tool to rescue the device.not an optional utility for all users.
2. EzRecover is designed not intending to sustain any stored data, including configuration data, boot sector, and user's data. Erasing data is a must process, especially concerning:
the data security, when there is protected partition existing.the data integrity, data integrity can not be guaranteed after reconfigured.reconstruct the boot sector, including FAT which will result all stored data lose.
3. EzRecover will be built upon individual customer request and with specific EEP file embedded. This version is for reconfiguring Prolific factory default configuration only. (Would support only the Prolific USB Flash Utility program afterwards)
Supported Controller:
PL-2515 B controller*PL-2515 C/D controller.If the Boot sector being damaged and the storage device observed for B controller, EzRecover can not hl it, unless to turn on the security pin on PCB.
Performed Task:
0. Erasing all blocks of flash memory 1. Configuring device according to the EEP file2. Formatting flash 3. Verifying flash configuration
How i know the flash drive chip vendor ?to know your flash chip vendor and your flash drive information ,plse follow the instruction from this article .
How to repair usb flash drive in three steps
Now download Prolific PL2515 EzRecover V2003

Download Prolific PL2515 EzRecover V2003Download InfoProgram Name : Prolific PL 2515 EzRecover V2003
Program Version :v 2003
Os : XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, 7,mac : freeProlific PL 2515 EzRecover V2003-Hulkload
Prolific PL 2515 Format software-MediafireProlific PL 2515 EzRecover V2003

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