Thursday, May 26, 2016

SimCity DRMLESS 2013

This is also the most expansive city management game yet where you can control a region that delivers true multi-city scale and play a single city or up to 16 cities at once ch with different specializations. Multiplayer is also a first for the series, which adds a new dimension to your game as your decisions impact both your city and your region and crtes new ways to play by collaborating or competing to rn achievements. Finally, SimCity is a live service that simulates rl time updates from new challenges to new ftures and content.

SIZE: 2.04 GB

SimCity DRMLESS 2013

SimCity DRMLESS 2013 (Updated)

Note: Game is Fully and Safe to Use !

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Download SimCity DRMLESS 2013
Mirror for SimCity DRMLESS 2013
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Scanned – 100% Cln File[Results]

1. Unpack this relse
2. Install the dummy certifie dummy.crt in the ’ root certifiion
authority store
3. Replace Your Hosts file with the one Provided in the Extras Folder
4. Launch Start.exe to launch the private server (Stop.exe to stop it)
5. Install Origin (the one provided v9.1.15.109 works just fine), choose
whatever username and you want
6. Download and Install SimCity from Origin
7. Launch the game and let it update its files
8. Enjoy the game

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