Thursday, May 26, 2016

Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception Full Version Game PS3 Free Download 45 Gb

Download Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception Game Free For PS3
Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception is an action-adventure game by Computers. Game is the sequel to its predecessor and third game in the uncharted games series. Game ftures a third person shooting perspective gameplay where player takes control of the main character of the game Nathan Drake. Player can jump, swim, climb, sprint, scale narrow places, and can perform other moves too. New melee attacks system has been added to game with which player can fight with his/her enemies hand-to-hand too. Player can carry two wpons, one primary consisting one single-handed wpon and other secondary consisting two handed wpon and grenades. Player pick up new wpons and ammunition replacing the existing ones. Player can take cover behind objects and can fire while moving or running to kill enemies. New stlth mechanics has been added to game with which player can perform such stlthy kills which could be done in the game's predecessors, such as hanging on a ledge and then dropping direct on the enemy to kill them, or snking around an enemy and then killing him with just one hit and much more. Some levels of game also includes puzzles which player must solve in order to progress in level. The stlth kills can only be performed if enemy does not see player or come into direct contact with the player. New hint system has been added to the game which helps the player to complete the game in more appropriate way. Game also has a multiplayer mode in which more than one player can play the game at the same time, playing in cooperative missions. New character skins has been added to multiplayer mode in order to make every player different from others. In multiplayer mode, players participate in matches and survive ch round with strategies. New situations engine with which the game becomes sier automatically for the losing tm in the game. Graphics has been set to ultra level with which player can take the rlest experience of the game. Game can also be played in high resolution in order to make the game more rl. New ftures including stlth system, covering system, new wpons and ammunition, melee attacks system and much more has been added to the game.

:System Requirements:(Minimum)

CPU --- Core 2 Duo 3.0 Ghz or Better
RAM --- 2 Gb RAM
Graphics Memory --- 512 Mb Graphics Accelerator
OS --- Vista or Better
DDx --- Direct X 10
Hard --- 48 Gb Required
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The following download link is a file, you may need u to download the game.(Link Below)
The following game is in PS3 Format, you need PS3 Emulator to play the game on PC.(Given Below)
If you have any complaints or if the link is down or you need help plse inform us by posting a Comment, we will be there for your help, Thanks.


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