Thursday, May 26, 2016

Banda Ghareeb Sapnay Aajeeb

Which month were you born in?
(Answer your question !)
1. January......................What would you
do with 1Million dollars ?
2. February ...................Who is your
crush ? (Can be celebrity )
3. March ....................... What would you
wish for with just one wish ?
4. April.......................... Whats your lucky
5. May .......................... What do you
wanna be when you grow up?
6. June ....................... .. If the world
ended tomorrow who would you
7. July ........................... Would you rather
visit Paris,France or London,England?
8. August ....................... Whats your
favorite subject ?
9.September ................. Would you ever
date a guy/girl that's 3yrs. younger
than you?
10. October ................... Whats your
favorite candy?
11. November ...............Whats your
favorite animal?
12. December................. Whats your
favorite holiday?

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