Thursday, May 26, 2016

PRINCE OF PERSIA The Shadow and The Flame

PRINCE OF PERSIA The Shadow and The Flame
About Prince of Persia The Shadow and The Flame Today i decided to develop Prince of Persia The Shadow and The Flame . This is a simple appliion to erate unlimited amount of coins in game and unlock all wpons, potions, combos and bunbles. I made this appliion because one user of asked me if i can do it, and I decided help him and our community :)

Prince of Persia the shadow and the flame ftures:- Works on iOS devices with orginal system and with jailbrk- Works on Android devices with orginal and rooted system- Unlock all wpons- Unlock all potions- Unlock all combos- Unlock all bundles- Unlimited amout of gold- Implemented auto update system
Small instruction how to use it:At the beggining you need to download this file from link below and unpack rar archiwe with winrar or 7zip.After that you will see folder with Prince of Persia the shadow and the flame . You should run this appliion and connect your device with computer through USB cable. After you connect your PC with your device click DETECT DEVICE button. If your device was found correctly just type in amount of gold to erate and choose another ftures. At the end you should only press START button and wait a few seconds. After process run your game and enjoy of new items and gold.

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