Enter the world of modern warfare, where the manipulation of media and civilians lds to military victory. As the commander of pcekeeping armies, you must build a campaign using strategy and spin control. Rescue hostages with news cameras rolling and gain public support to upgrade your units; harm innocents, and watch your popularity and power plummet. In Conflict Zone, media manipulation, brainwashing, and human shields are just as important as superior combat skills.
It's rly 21st century and the majority of the world's countries have crted the ICP (International Corps for Pce), an organization dedied to bringing about world pce. However, not all countries are keen to be involved and these persist in erating conflicts through the organisation GHOST. A secret organisation, which warrants only the economic interests of its members without any attachment to morals, GHOST, does not hesitate to crte crisis situations with the goal of destabilising the worldwide equilibrium and endanger any chance of pce.
There are 2 playable campaigns in Conflict Zone: the GHOST campaign, and the ICP campaign. Missions take place in loions and involve ficitonal conflcits such as a civil war in Ukraine, war between Indonesia and Malyasia, India and Pakistan and Nigeria and Niger. Most missions require the player to build a base in order to successfully complete the mission. The civilians are taken to your base to rn money from propagandistic popularity, so instd of destroying supply depots like most games you have to kill the civilians that linger in the enemy's base. There are several buildings which can be built, including refugee/enlistment camps (refugee camps for the ICP, enlistment camps for the GHOST), barracks, vehicle factories, and logistics buildings (which speed up unit and structure construction/training times).
Conflict Zone's main innovation was the use of propaganda, which was crucial in the game: acting in a way that brought public attention against the player's side made the game harder. In addition, both the ICP and the GHOST have their own advantages. The ICP had more advanced units, but could command less units in total than the GHOST, and ICP units were more expensive. The GHOST units on the other hand, were cer and could be fielded in larger s, but they were less advanced than their ICP counterparts.
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