Thursday, May 26, 2016


After crting and setting up a blog you will need a decent amount of traffic on your blog, because a shop without customers is box only, If you have nice content on your blog but don't have visitors then don't worry I'm also with you for help. In this article I want to share with you some awesome traffic making tips, with all below tips you can sily make a decent amount of traffic on your blogger blog and other blog/sites. After a lot of srch I'm successful in crting this article for you so rd it carefully and lve feedback in comments, Lets go to the topic rd below.

1, SRCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION :As you all know about srch engines, Srch engines is well known and biggest srch/resrch sources on internet as Google on top of this list, You can sily add your blog/site into Google by visiting Google'sAdd URLpage, And also you can freely add your blog/site all pages on other srch engines like Bing, Yahoo, Aol, Delta Srch etc, You just have to do is typing your blog/site URL, So submit your blog/site to all top srch engines and get free traffic.
2, Submitting your blog to Blog Directories:Now its another grt thing to know as a blogger, Blog directories is another quickly growing business now a days, There many blog directories on web who give you free hands for submitting your blog on it, You can srch online for top free blog directories.
3, Participate in forums,groups,etc:This thing could also work for beginners and masters some of blog articles says this is not well for page rank but this is best for link building and get faster crawling of your pages, If you have notparticipated in such website and forums then go hd and sign up for Google groups, Yahoo Answers, Forums and other related websites.
4, Social Bookmarking:This also a grt news and tip for all kind of webmasters if you an blog about any thing you must have to add social bookmarking widget in it, With social bookmarking widget you can sily get bookmarked your pages on such big social marking websites,digg,furl,technorati.
5, Submit Articles to Article Directories:Submitting articles to article directories is another effective way to build more traffic.By submitting to them,your articles get massive exposure and gain you more traffic.
Some of the popular article directories are go,,article,etc.
There are hundreds of article directories,just Google it.
6, Lving Comments on other blogs:Lving comments with a link back to your blog is another good thing to do.Lving comments in the relatedto your niche blogs is more useful and it also incrses your page rank.Always lve good comments and don't Spam(by placing links like'click here' like that).
Final WordsI think you all got my points for erating more traffic using white hat techniques, if I forgot any tip or you an better one then let us know in comments form below.

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