Thursday, May 26, 2016

Silicon Power Ultima U03 SMI SM3257ENAA Format tool

Format corrupted Silicon Power Ultima U03 flash drive .Download SMI MPTool V2.5.18 and repair SMI SM3257ENAA ,Silicon Power Touch 830 and Silicon Motion SM3257ENAA flash drives .Silicon Power Ultima U03 SMI MPTool V2.5.18
Hello my friends today i will discuss with you how can repair corrupted USB flash drive with this flash drive models "Silicon Power Ultima U03,Silicon Power Touch 830 and Silicon Motion SM3257ENAA ".If you have Silicon Power Ultima U03 format error or Silicon Power Ultima U03 write protected so continue rd this article we will offer an free software to fix your corrupted Silicon Power Ultima U03 flash .
SMI MPTool V2.5.18 is designed to repair corrupted flash s that have SMI chip controller with Chip vendor model M0503 SM3257ENAA.SMI MPTool V2.5.18 format utility can update flash drive firmware for the following flash drives "Silicon Power Ultima U03,Silicon Power Touch 830 and Silicon Motion SM3257ENAA ".
SMI MPTool V2.5.18 recovery tool is support only flash drives that have SMI SM3257ENAA chip controller like Silicon Power Ultima U03,Silicon Power Touch 830 and Silicon Motion SM3257ENAA so plse you must be sure that your flash drive chip controller is one of them .You can use Chip ius report software or USBDeview V2.30 utility to determine flash drive information sily.Plse don't use SMI MPTool V2.5.18 with a different chip controller , it may destroy your USB flash .
To lrn how to repair corrupted Silicon Power Touch 830 flash drive , plse follow the next flash drive recovery tips :
Download SMI MPTool V2.5.18 v1 M0503 SM3257ENAA from the download links in the end of this article .Plug in your corrupted Silicon Motion SM3257ENAA USB stick to your computer .Open sm32Xtest_V18-1.exe software and you will find your flash drive is shown in the program interface .Click Start to begin update your flash drive firmware .Don't interrupt your USB flash during updating firmware . If this software doesn't work with your flash drive ,go to the second solution "remove the case of the flash drive and write in a comment the details that exist on the chip controller of flash drive board and i will try to find the best firmware for you .

You can try this solution also , plse rd the following articles :1- how to recover a corrupted USB flash drive2- How to repair corrupted SD memory cardDownload Silicon Power Ultima U03 SMI SM3257ENAA Format toolDownload Link
Plse select one server to download
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