Repair unrecognized San USB 3.0 flash drive .Download San ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB format tool and repair your flash drive now .San ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB format tool
Hello my friends , today i will explain how to repair corrupted San flash drive that have Alcor AU6989ANHL-G chip controller .At the beginning a friend of our website "Flash drive repair " His name is "Alex Salenko" he had a problem with his San USB flash "i don't exactly sure of that but chip ius report says it's San Flash drive with ALcor AU6989ANHL-G chip controller .
Now i will explain the flash drive repair process that successed in repairing his flash drive .This is his flash drive chip ius report .Alex Salenko Comment
Plse help me to fix this:
Chipius report
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(eric Flash )
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
: A4566071
Device Vendor: eric
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0102
Manufacturer: eric
Product Model: Flash
Product Revision: 8.07
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-: Unknown(??) - 0xE602 - F/W D820
Flash ID : 454CA892 - San - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC]
Note: I have manually rd the chip s>
1246T2B10 (I am not sure about this s)
T28GDS1A 12PA (this s are on the back side)
He write his flash drive chip ius report and he lved a comment in this article >>Repair Kingston USB flash drive .
So i give him the right software of his flash drive and it's worked with him good , you can visit the article to see his replies .Now i will tell you what is this magical tool that repair his corrupted USB .To repair corrupted San Alcor AU6989ANHL-G USB flash , we will use AlcorMP format tool V12.12.14 .
To lrn how to repair San ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB , plse follow the next flash drive recovery tips :
Download San ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB format tool from the download links in the bottom of this article .Insert your corrupted USB flash drive to your PC .Open AlcorMP V12.12.14 format tool and click on Start to begin formatting your flash drive .
If this software doesn't work with your flash drive ,go to the second solution "remove the case of the flash drive and write in a comment the details that exist on the chip controller of flash drive board and i will try to find the best firmware for you .
You can try this solution also , plse rd the following articles :1- how to recover a corrupted USB flash drive2- How to repair corrupted SD memory card
Download AlcorMP recovery tool V12.12.14Download Link
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