Thursday, May 26, 2016

Transformers War For Cybertron Full Version Game PC Free Download

DownloadTransformers War For Cybertron Game Free For PCSize:7.7 Gb
:Screenshots::Description:Transformers War Of Cybertron is an action-shooting game by Activision. Game is set on the planet Cybertron, where the transformers live. The planet fills with chaos and comes to the position of civil war with one another. The evil transformers organize a group named decepticons whose lder is Megatron who is a powerful transformer. The other transformers who try to fight for the planet are Autobots whose lder zeta prime has been killed, allowing optimus prime to ld the tm and try to protect his people from the decepticons and their plans for destruction. The game can be played in either decepticons campaign or autobots campaign, both having different stories and different adventures. Basically the game has a third person shooting perspective, where player takes control of the transformers, ch with his/her different abilities like some of the transformers can transform to jet, or tank or to a high speed vehicle. The autobots campaign mode is further divided into four main egories, scout, soldier, scientist and lder. By choosing one of these, the player can play continue the game as per the players choice. Wponry and other abilities are divided on these classes differently. The game also has a multiplayer mode in which two or more players can play the game at the same time, playing in cooperative missions or playing individually and they can lve the game at any point and can continue it any other time. The some rounds, the tm with high points wins the round and rn points which can be used to buy wponry and other items. Graphics and visuals has been set to the ultra level for the player. Sound effects has been added to ch mission differently with which ch missions look different from the last one. Player can modify the controls of the game from the option menu. The game can also be played in high resolution for more rl experience.

:SystemRequirements:(Minimum)CPU --- Core 2 Duo 1.8 Ghz
RAM --- 2 Gb RAM
Graphics Memory --- 256 Mb Graphics Accelerator
OS --- Xp or Better
DDx --- Direct X 9.0
Hard --- 9 Gb Required
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:Note:The following download link is a file, you may need u to download the game.(Link Below)
The downloaded file is an ISO file, you may need daemon tools to install game.(Link Below)
If you have any complaints or if the link is down or you need help plse inform us by posting a Comment, we will be there for your help, Thanks.


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