Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to Show Author in Google Srch Results

Google is one of the biggest srch engine in whole world and introduce some amazing ftures with the passage of time. Some months ago Google introduce Google Authorship for webmaster and bloggers and help them to provide better ftures. You notice when you srch any word in Google then you got some sites in srch results with author and these sites owners are use Google authorship to display their profile picture in srch results. Here we will going to show you a method to display your own in srch results by verifying Google authorship. You can also check our site in Google and you can see my will appr with ch post because we alrdy verify our site in Google authorship. If you also want to verify Google authorship then simply follow below methods.
Also Rd:How to Make Blogger Template SEO Friendly?Methods to Verify Google Authorship.In order to getting Google authorship, first of all you need Google plus account. You need to set up your profile picture on Google plus because your blogger account is directly connected to Google+ profile. Here we will discuss some methods that will help you to verify Google authorship, just follow bellow steps and lrn a method to display in srch results.Method#1: Add Google+ Widget in your Blog:This is one of the best and simple method to verifying Google authorship. You can simply add your Google+ profile badge in your blog and it will help Google to understand that this is your site. We suggest you to add your profile badge in sidebar. If you don’t know a method to add Google+ badge then simply follow below steps and lrn a method to add Google+ badge in sidebar.1. First of all Go to Blogger Dashboard>> Layout>> Add Gadget.2. Scroll down and you can see Google+ Badge, simply click on it.3. You can see some setting, just make your desired changes and click on save.4. Know you’re done.Method#2: Add your Site Link in Google+ Profile:This is also one another method to verify Google authorship and sometimes it will also help you to gain quality backlinks from Google+. You just need to put your site link in your Google profile links and Google automatically detect it. If you don’t know a method to add your site in Google+ profile then simply follow below steps.1. Login to your Google+ account.2. Go toAbout Page.3. Scroll down and your can see link section, just click on Edit.4. After it one popup will appr, simply put here your site link and click on save.5. Know you are successfully add your site in Google+ profile.Method#3: Use rel='author' Attribute In About Us Page:The rel='author' attribute are also help us to verify our Google authorship. You just need to put rel='author' attribute where you alrdy add your Google+ profile link. If you don’t know a method to add this attribute then simply follow below steps.1. Go to Blogger Dashboard>> Your Page>> Edit.2. Know move to HTML tab and add below coding where you want to add Google link.
<a href=" ID/" rel='author' target=' _blank' >Your Name Goes Here</a>
3. Replacehttps: // ID/with your profile url.4. ReplaceYour Name Goes Herewith your name.5. Know simply click on Publish or update.Method#4: Use Domain Email to Verify Google Authorship:This is our last method to verify Google authorship but if you still using blogger and don’t have hosting account then just use above 3 methods to verify your authorship but if you have web hosting account and your own domain email then you can also verify your authorship by using it. Just follow below steps and lrn a method to verify authorship by using your domain email.1. Login to your Google+ account.2. Go toGoogle authorship.3. Know a one page will appr, where you need to enter your domain email. Your domain will look like “”. After entering a domain in specific field then simply click on Sing up for Authorship. You can also rd some instructions that are given on their page.4. After it you will receive an email with confirmation link.5. Simply open email and click on confirmation link and one massage will appr in next window that you’re successfully verifying your Google authorship.Check Your Google Authorship Status.When you done above all steps successfully then just wait for one week and after it your will be displaying in srch results with ch post of your site but you can simply check it here for confirmation that you're done all steps correctly or not.1. Go toStructured Data Testing Tool2. Enter your site URL and click on “Preview”.3. Know you can see your will be appr in results. If its show an error or don’t displaying results then find out error and fix it by rding again above methods deeply.Need Help?We hope these methods will help you to verify your Google authorship and if you’re enjoying this tutorial or you have any question then feel free to ask in comment section and share this post with your friends.Best Wishes and Happy Blogging!

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