Thursday, May 26, 2016

Google Social Srcher

Google Social Srcher
Google is a multinational, publicly-traded organization built around the company’s hugely popular srch engion. Google’s other enterprises include Internet analytics, cloudcomputing, advertising technologies, and Web app, browser and operating system development.

Google’s roots go back to 1995 when two graduate students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, met at Stanford University. In 1996, Brin and Page collaborated on a resrch project that was to eventually become the Google srch engine. BackRub, as it was called then (because of its analysis of back links), stirred up interest in the university resrch community, but didn’t garner any offers from the major portal vendors. Those were rly days in terms of mass srching of the Internet; one of the CEOs who turned them away said that users don’t rlly care about srch abilities. Undaunted, the founders scrounged up enough funding to get started, and in September of 1998 began operations from a garage-based in Menlo Park, California. In December of that same yr, PC Magazine listed Google as one of its Top 100 Web Sites and Srch Engines for 1998.

Google was chosen for its resemblance to the word googol — a consisting of a numeral one followed by a hundred zeroes — as a reference to the vast amount of information in the world. Google’s self-stated mission: “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

In the first few yrs of operation, Google’s srch engine competition included AltaVista, Yahoo, Excite and Lycos. Within a few yrs, however, Google became so dominant that the name has become a verb mning to conduct a Web srch; people are as likely to say they “Googled” some information as to say they srched for it.

Google’s hdquarters are in Mountainview, California.

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