Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lock usb flash drive files and computer drives by folder lock 7

Do you want to lock your usb flash drive and put a unique .Do you want to encrypt your files .Do you want to lock your computer drives and folders .Here is a full tutorial for locking your data drives .
Folder lock software ftures

Folder lock 7 software allow to you to put a to your folder , partitions,usb flash drives ,,Memory card and encrypt your files .Make your privacy protection now .
Folder lock benefits :protect your computer folders.protect your partitions and drives.encrypt your files.protect your .protect your usb flash drive.protect your memory card .lock your important folders . Now i will explain every thing about folder lock .Follow the following steps .Now download folder lock software from the link below on the end of this article ,then follow me .
Folder lock installation processPress nextPress I agree
Choose your program destination folder or lve it as defaultPress installPress finish
Now we finish installing folder lock software
How to lock folder or partition or usb by folder lock?In The first time to use folder lock , you must put your locking , then retype again ,then press OK .You will see in the left menu 5 options :1- Lock files : if you want to lock files or folders or partition .2- encrypt files : If you want to encrypt files .3- secure backup : If you want to make secure computer backup .4- Protect usb/ : If you want to lock your usb flash drive , memory card,.5- Make wallets : If you want to save your sensitive information like credit card ,bank accounts and important s .How to lock Partition or folder by using folder lock ?If you want to lock folders or files , just drag it to the program

There are three options1- add files2- add folders3- add drivesChoose the option you want , i will choose (add drive)Choose your drive that you want to lockNow partition D is locked
How to lock usb flash drive by using folder lock ?Choose Protect usb/ from the left side of the programthen press on protect usb drive
Choose Crte a new portable locker in my usb drive
There are four options :1- Portable locker name : write the name of usb drive .2- select usb drive : select usb flash drive that you want to lock it .3- set : write lock .4- confirm : confirm your .5- press next .
Choose the capacity volume that you want to lock it in your usb flash driveyou will choose 4GB because trial version support only 4GB Press next Press finishWhen you will add new data to your usb flash drive ,you will see this windowwill require to put your lock to unlock your usb flash drive .
Now we finish this lessonplse if you have a question tell me ,feel free to contact me in any time ..plse if you like this article , share it or lve a comment for supporting me to continue in this field .Thank you

Tags how to lock folder ,how to lock partition ,how to lock drive,how to lock drive,how to lock usb flash drive,protect usb flash drive ,folder lock 7 software,download folder lock7,folder lock tutorial ,usb protection ,usb security Now download folder lock 7 software
Download folder lock 7 software Download InfoProgram Name : folder lockProgram Version :7.0
Os : XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, 7,mac : free trialPlse choose any server to download the software
Folder Lock 2013 software-Server 1
Folder lock 7 software - Server 2
Folder lock 7 - Server 3

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