Thursday, May 26, 2016

permanent data deletion of usb flash drive and hard

Do you want to erase your data permanently from your hard or usb flash drive . wipe software allows to you to delete data permanently .Try it now , It's free .
Wipe Data erase software ftures
Wipe software used for permanent data destruction for ever.If you will use Wipe ,you will not be able to recover hard again with any data recovery software .An normal formatting with regular formatting programs lves an open possibility to recover hard again .
Ftures of Wipe:

Permanently wipes sensitive data on partitions and volumes. Portable, no installation needed! Uses several advanced shredding aorithms (Dod 5220-22.M, US Army, Peter Guttman) to securely wipe data.Supports all popular file systems, NTFS, Fat, Fat32.It uses quick format prior to wiping for faster performance.Works with USB sticks, SD cards and other portable memory devices.Small, light, does not contain adware.Respect the privacy of your information, does not try to connect to remote server and does not send any information over internet.
You can see more ftures in the official site of wipe softwarevisit official site of wipe >> Wipe <<
How to delete data permanently with wipe ?

Insert your usb flash drive or memory card or external hard to make erase data permanently .Open wipe software ,you will see your usb flash drive shown on the program .

Choose your usb flash drive or hard partitions .You can change setting ,press setting then change your setting .

Choose setting then press ok .
Choose your format file system then press next
Choose erasing option then press next
Write Erase in the box to confirm deletion then press finishwait until deleting your data
Now we finish this lessonplse if you have a question tell me ,feel free to contact me in any time ..plse if you like this article , share it or lve a comment for supporting me to continue in this field .Thank youTags Wipe software,permanent data deletion software,delete flash drive data permanently ,delete hard data permanently,permanent data destructionNow download Wipe software

Download Wipe software freeDownload InfoProgram Name : Wipe softwareProgram Version :3
Os : XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, 7,mac : free Wipe Format Software - Server1
Wipe Format Utility- Server 2 Wipe software - Server 3

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