Thursday, May 26, 2016

Money Bookers (Skrill) Money Adder 2013

Money Bookers (Skrill) Money Adder 2013 By z3G
Moneybookers (Skrill) allows for sending and receiving payments to/from 200 countries and territories in 41 currencies, supporting major credit/debit cards and around 100 local payment options covering the majority of significant economies. Restrictions include countries on US and/or EU economic sanctions list. Since 2008, US-based customers could not receive money from non-US Moneybookers accounts, and non-US customers could not upload funds or send payments using US payment cards or bank accounts. As of February 2013, United States is not included on the list of supported countries.
Procedure :-1) Download
Downloading Server 1
Downloading Server 2
2) Run3) Enter your Money Bookers (Skrill)E-Mailaddress4) Click on ADD money

Does this tool Work ? 989Votes for YES102Votes for NO

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