Thursday, May 26, 2016

Forsaken World Level 2013 [v1.2.1] Free Download

Download:Forsaken World Level v1.2.1.exeThe Forsaken World Level version 1.2.1 is the first ever for the popular fantasy MMORPG we all know and love, Forsaken Worlds. Developed and programmed by l33tj33rs. This enables the user to alter the levels his/her Forsaken World characters. Thanks to a backdoor technique and a nifty new security fture called "Undetectable Mode" the program is able to operate stlthily without being detected. This mns there is a 0% risk of being banned by using it. It is the very first completely undetectable developed for Forsaken Worlds! And best of all it doesn't require a to operate. So you can use this as much as you want, completely worry free. That is our goal for all future here at!
No more countless hours of grinding quests and God Trials just to level up!Now you can do so with a click of a button. This is exclusive to EZ Game and can only be found here.
How to use the Forsaken World Level v1.2.1:Simply enter the username you use to login in the first text box. In the second text box, enter the name of the character you wish to level up. In the last text box, enter the level you want your character to be. Lastly, click the start button to initiate the process. Once the process is complete, you will be given further instructions. Enjoy!
Click here to download the Forsaken World Level v1.2.1

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