Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to install Portable software and run it from USB drive

Lrn how to run portable apps software directly from your USB flash Platform 12.0.5 allows you to install and manage your favorite software .Download PortableApps Platform 12.0.5 and take your favorite software with you anywhere . PortableApps platform v12.0.5 for portable Apps Hello my dr friends , Today i will explain a very important thing that most of you suffer from it .Some of us need to access some appliions while he is in work or free time but he can't because companies don't let employee to install any other appliions .I will give you a way to bring your favorite apps with you in everywhere you go .After rding this article ,you will be able to access to your appliion from anywhere .Lrn how to install apps onto your USB and enjoy your favorite apps in your work . developed a new platform for installing software in a portable form so you can access appliion faster and without setup . Platform 12.0.5 is an freeware platform software.PortableApps Platform 12.0.5 allows you to install appliion directly to removable such as USB flash or in computer hard or uploading it to cloud drive or dropbox .
PortableApps software 12.0.5 support installing hundred of famous software such as Skype ,Yahoo,Paltalk,ICQ,browsers like Mozilla Firefox , appliions and more portable software .PortableApps Platform 12.0.5 provides many advantages for you as example , you can take your favorite browser with your bookmarks and plugin extensions ,your package ,photo editor software ,music,games ,graphic tools and more portable appliions .The Platform V12.0.5 isn't used to run portable apps only , but it's provides more Ftures such as : A menu of installed portable appsapps Directory to find and install new apps.An updater to keep installed apps up to datePortable FontsBackup toolsSrch functions for your USB flash drive.For further details about Platform V12.0.5 , plse visit the official site of Platform >> << .
How to install PortableApps platform software on a USB First you must download Platform 12.0.5.rar software from download links in the end of this article .Get a USB flash drive with any capacity (4 GB recommended ) .Format your USB flash with NTFS format .Extract Platform v12.0.5.rar and open PortableApps_ Platform_12.0.5.exe and click to install it on your USB flash ,plse follow the next instructions .Click I Agree to begin installing PortableApps utility 12.0.5. Click Next .Click New install then Next .Choose which removable device you want to install platform on it , choose Portable then click Next .Click Select custom loion to choose installation folder destination then click Next .Click browse to choose the destination loion for setup .Choose the loion of your USB flash .Choose your flash drive then OK then next from the main menu .Click Install .Now installation is finished ,Click Run potable APPS platform , then Finish .Now this is the interface of Portable apps platform v12.0.5 ,it's look like start menu . How to install new portable apps onto USB stick Open portable APP utility on your USB flash then from the right menu choose APPS then from sub-menu choose Install a NEW APP.Software will open a window to determine your portable app loion , choose it and Click OK .Another Way to install portable apps from Portablpps software by choosing Get more apps then choose by egory or any classifiion .As shown in the picture , choose your portable software then click next ,Portable App software will automatically download your selected portable app and setup on your usb flash or you can go to the official site and download it manually from here >> Download portable apps << .Srch Tags :How to Run Software Directly Off a USB Flash DriveInstalling programs onto a USB Platform 12.0.5Download portable apps for usb flash driveusb portable software download
Download Portable Apps platform v12.0.5 Portablpp platform 12.0.5 Download Download InfoProgram Name : software
Program Version : V12.0.5
Program Size :4.5MB
Os : XP, Vista,7,8 : free
Download Link Plse select one server to download Download Software from Server1Download Software from Server2
Download Software from Server 3

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