Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to or IDM manually

How to or IDM manually

how to or Internet Download Manager (IDM) manually. IDM is the best Internet download manager available on internet but its not free and its or versions contains viruses. Using this you can register the Internet Download Manager (IDM) for free using you own credentials i.e register on your Name and email ID. I am explaining the manual method because most of the and contain viruses.
Now suppose you have updated your IDM (Internet Download Manager) and if you are using or version, after updating IDM, it shows an error message that you have registered IDM using fake . And after that IDM exits and hence it doesn't download anything.
This also works for trail IDM that mns download a trail IDM from there site and register the professional i.e. full version of IDM with your credentials for free using my .

let's start the tutorial, How to or IDM manually.
Steps Involved:

Step 1:Download the IDM trial or If you alrdy have IDM installed Update it by going toHelp---}} then tocheck for Updates.If you don't wanna update your version, Just click on.Step2:When you click on , Now a new dialog apprs that is asking for Name, Last Name, Email Address and .Step3:Now Enter you name, last name, email address and in field of enter any of the following :
And click on ok toregister.
Step4:Now after you click ok, it will show an error message that you haveregistered IDM using fake and IDM will exit. Now here the starts.
Step5:Now Go toSTART--}} Then go toRUNand type the following text and click enter:
notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
For 7 users,due to security rsons you will not be able to save hosts file.The trick is below:First of all go toC:/ drivethen go toFolder and then go to System32 folder and then go toDriversfolder and then go toEtcFolder, in the Etc folder you will see thehostsfile.Nowright clickon hosts file and go to itsproperties,then go tosecuritytab and then select your adminaccount,just below u will see aneditbutton (in front of change permissions), Now give the user full control and write and rd rights and then click onapplyand then click onOk, now u will be able to edit the hosts file and save changes in it.
Step6: Now a notepad file apprs something like this as shown below:

Now copy the below lines of and add to hosts file as shown above: tonec.com127.0.0.1 www.tonec.com127.0.0.1 registeridm.com127.0.0.1 www.registeridm.com127.0.0.1 secure.registeridm.com127.0.0.1 internetdownloadmanager.com127.0.0.1 www.internetdownloadmanager.com127.0.0.1 secure.internetdownloadmanager.com127.0.0.1 mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com127.0.0.1

After adding these piece of , save the notepad file. And exit from there.Now start your Internet download manager, and now you IDM has been converted to full version and specially when you update next time, your will not expire. That mns it will remain full version for life time and you can update it without any problem.
I hope you all have liked my post.

Disclaimer : This tip is for eduional purpose only. I will not be held any responsible in case this method is used for nefarious purposes.

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