Thursday, May 26, 2016

Block or Unblock USB Flash drive free software

Prevent any one to steel your important data from your computer by copying to usb flash drive.You can block or unblock usb flash drive .Try it

USB Flash Block or Unblock utility ftures
USB Flash Block or Unblock utility software is a grt tool to prevent anyone from steeling your important data from your computer .You can lock or unlock usb ports and disable using usb flash drive,mass storage,external hard and SD memory card .Also USB Flash Block or Unblock utility software can solve usb problems such as your computer can't detect your usb flash drive .The program can set and reset usb setting to original value .If you have small business like cyber cafe or labs ,you can prevent using usb flash drive or limit access by setting rd only or full disable to usb ports .
How can i block or unblock usb ports ?

Open sy USB flash drive blocker/unblock utility , then choose your action then press save .
Normal : this is the normal setting without block or unblock .Rd Only : If you want to prevent copying .Disabled : If you want to disable usb ports in your computer .
Now we finish this lessonplse if you have a question tell me ,feel free to contact me in any time ..plse if you like this article , share it or lve a comment for supporting me to continue in this field .Thank youTags
sy USB flash drive blocker/unblock utility,USB flash drive blocker or unblock utility,prevent your data from copying,usb flash drive security,disable usb ports,set or reset usb ports settings
Now download USB flash drive blocker or unblock utility

Download USB flash drive blocker or unblock utilityDownload InfoProgram Name : USB flash drive blocker or unblock utilityProgram Version :1.1
Os : XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, 7,mac : freeUSB Blocker Software -Hulkload
USB Blocker 2013-Mediafire USB flash drive blocker or unblock utility-Server 3

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