Thursday, May 26, 2016

Infinite Crisis

Try the new Infinite Crisis Crisis Coins v2.0 and have the most fun of the game without spending any penny.

Hi to all DC Fans, this time we present you a new grt tool called Infinite Crisis Crisis Coins . It works for all US and EU accounts with no problems. This has some nice options like unlimited Crisis Coins and Merit for your game account. With the new Version we added a new fture, the Anti-Ban option. With this Source your account is safe and it is impossible to get detected. We are updating this Tool with every Infinite Crisis so the Tool doesn't get outdated. You will never find a better place to get free . This is very sy to use and have very nice options you can't find anywhere else. With our Infinite Crisis you can add Free Crisis Coins and Merit to your Account.
Infinite Crisis is a next-eration, free-to-play MOBA fturing fast-paced battles, strmlined RPG mechanics, and iconic loions and characters from across the DC Mulierse. Recruit a roster of powerful heroes and villains to command in destructive combat where astrophic events can reshape the map and the environment itself can become a wpon. With the ingame Shop u can buy new DC Characters and Skins for it. You can buy these with Crisis Coins or Merit. Crisis Coins can only purchased with rl Money and the Merit with playing the game. You have to invest a lot of money and time to get these to buy new heroes. With our you dont't have to invest any money in the game and Profit all of his ftures.

Instruction:1. Download “Infinite Crisis Crisis Coins “
2. Run the Tool
3. Choose region and add Account ID
4. Click "Connect"
5. Enter the amount of Crisis Coins or Merit
6. Check Anti-Ban option
7. Click ""
8. Wait till credited
9. Have Fun

Download Infinite Crisis Crisis Coins v2.0Download Mirror

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