Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Official Grand Theft Auto 5 Debut


Hi everyone,
I figured it's time we had a new debate thrd.
You may have noticed the ongoing poll at the
top of theGTAsection (if not go cast your
vote!) and the fact thatGTA: SAis in the
ld. With that in mind and the fact that for
manyGTA Vice Cityis often cited as the
pinnacle of the series we'd like to know just
why your favouriteGTAgame is actually your
fave and why its the best one in the series!

One other thing; with theGTA Vhype now in
full flow do you think, from what we've seen
so far, that it will surpass your current
favourite or will you you end up, no matter
how good the final game is, feeling a little
let down?
October it is.

All GTA has been relsed in October, GTA IV was suposed to be relsed in October but got delayed.

To the disagree.

GTA 1 Unknown
GTA 2 October 25
GTA III October PS2
GTA Vice city October 1 PS2
GTA SA Otober PS2
GTA IV october but got delayed.

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